
proverbs1210. Animal Rescue Adoption Application Contract Package

Thank you for your interest in wanting to adopt a dog from the proverbs1210 rescue center

Step One: Complete an adoption application either online or 


fill, and return via e-mail at

Step Two: Should proverbs1210 determine the application is a possible match with the dog requested, we will contact you to determine if the adoption can proceed. We will also contact your vet for a reference.

Step Three: If approved, payment will be required, and arrangements will be made for transporting the dog to you. (You pay the transport fee directly to the transport company.)

Dog Adoption form

Please note any person (co-applicant) who will be sharing ownership of this pet.


Please list the name of the dog(s) you're interested in adopting. If you're not interested in a particular dog, please just type "pre-approval" in the first choice box.

Please tell us what you're looking for in a dog (example: size, age, breed, sex, temperament/personality, energy level, housebroken, good with cats/kids/dogs, etc.)


If you move in the future, what will you do with the dog you adopt?


If you rent, Landlords/Rental Agencies will be contacted to verify permission to own pets. This includes mobile home parks. Please provide the following:

If there are any children under the age of 18 in the household, please list their ages here:



Please list all animals in your care in the last 5 years (include roommate's or relative's pets currently residing in your home).


Please list two references who: 

a) Know you well 
b) Do NOT live with you 
c) Did NOT accompany you to the shelter. 

At least one reference must be unrelated to you.


By typing my name below, I certify that the information I have given is true and that I recognize that any misrepresentation of the facts may result in my losing privilege of adopting a pet. I authorize investigation of all statements on this application. I also understand that Homeward Animal Shelter reserves the right to deny my adoption application for any reason if they feel it is not in the best interest of the animal(s).