Benefits for proverbs 12:10 Adopters


Adopting a pet like a Dog or a puppy is one of the most rewarding things you can do! But it is also a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly. Sadly, thousands of animals end up in shelters every year because people do not think through what it means to own and care for a pet. The result is the euthanasia of millions of perfectly adoptable pets. Don’t be one of these people. Take the time to think through this decision thoroughly. Talk to other pet owners about what it means to own a pet. Talk to vets about what it costs to properly care for a pet. Talk to trainers about what it means to train a pet so that the animal’s behavior is positive. Go into this decision armed with the knowledge and the resources to make pet ownership a mutually rewarding experience for your new pet.


Factors to Consider Before Adopting
Adopting a pet

Adjusting to the Home

Are you willing to give the animal you adopt a solid 4-6 weeks to settle into your life and household? Whether puppy, dog, animals (like people) take time to acclimate. Hyper dogs often settle once they feel safe and have a routine. Scared puppies will come out from underneath the bed once they feel safe. Puppies will learn to sleep through the night and go potty outside if given the time. Abused animals will come around and learn to trust you if you give them time and reassurance. Do NOT expect miracles overnight.


Are you willing to pay and work with a trainer? EVERY single dog/puppy will benefit from training. Start out on the right foot and increase the bond between you and your dog by attending classes or working with an individual trainer. You owe it to the animal and you owe it to yourself. There is no such thing as the perfect dog

Puppies grow up to be dogs! Decide what size dog (not puppy) will fit best into your family. Keep in mind that with mixed breed puppies, it can sometimes be difficult to predict their full-grown size with 100% accuracy.

Dogs and puppies require hours and hours of attention as they grow. They often don’t sleep through the night. They chew. They bark. They climb. They nip. And they grow! Do you have the schedule to care for a puppy or Dog? Will you be able to part with your favourite shoes that one time you forget to put them away and arrive home to find them chewed to pieces? Will you have the time to properly train a puppy or Dog? The untrained pup/kit grows into an untrained dog/Puppy – and the longer you wait to train, the harder it gets!

Can you have/tolerate a dog that barks? A puppy that cry a lot? Can you have/tolerate a dog that sheds and a puppy that sheds? Do you require that your dog fit through a dog door? Can you adequately handle a fence-jumping dog? Do you need a dog that likes to ride in the car? Do you need a dog that is good in large groups? Think of your everyday life/environment and the things you like to do. Imagine your dog in all of those situations!

Dogs/puppies are expensive! They require at least 3-4 vet visits for shots in the first 3 months, food, toys, supplies, a crate and training.

Adopting a pet


Considered Your Circumstances?

Adopting a pet

Are you likely to be transferred in the near future? Will you be able to take your pet? Do you have a plan for who might be able to take your pet if you do have to move with little forewarning? Are you going to be deployed or transferred overseas? Too many animals are abruptly dumped at shelters when people move and cannot take them. Where would your pet would go if this happened?

Are you considering having kids in the near future? Are you willing to research the necessary steps for preparing a pet for a new child? Too many animals are dumped when people do not plan adequately for the arrival of a new child.

If you have kids, will you be able to spend the time necessary to make sure that your kids are treating the pet the right way? Animals mistreated by children often grow up to be aggressive and/or fearful of humans. It’s important to not only tell your children what is and what is not acceptable, but to watch them closely!


More Things to Consider

Once you submit an Adoption Questionnaire, a proverbs1210
the volunteer will review it. If it looks like you and the animal are a good match, the volunteer will e-mail or call you to discuss your application further. Determining a good match takes into consideration the animal’s age, temperament, schedule, and experience. Our goal is to make the best match possible! If the animal you applied to adopt is not a good fit for you, the volunteer may make suggestions for other animals in our program that might better fit.


The Adoption Process

Once you submit an Adoption Questionnaire, a proverbs1210
the volunteer will review it. If it looks like you and the animal are a good match, the volunteer will e-mail or call you to discuss your application further. Determining a good match takes into consideration the animal’s age, temperament, schedule, and experience. Our goal is to make the best match possible! If the animal you applied to adopt is not a good fit for you, the volunteer may make suggestions for other animals in our program that might better fit.

Next Steps Side
Adopting a pet

We require vet references to ensure that your pets are spayed and neutered and kept current on their vaccines and that the overall quality of care you provide is high!

We require landlord references for those people renting. This ensures that you are permitted to have a pet and clarifies breed and size restrictions.

After this process is complete, you will be given the green light to adopt your new family member!

Please note that adoption fees are non-refundable except for special circumstances considered by our adoption team.