Frequently Asked

You have questions and we have answers!


Your $300-$600 adoption fee includes spay/neuter, microchip, and vaccines current to the age of the dog/puppy . If you adopt a animal under 6 months old, an additional $50 training deposit will be required and refunded once your animal has completed training before the 6-month mark. This is to ensure all of our puppies are set up for success in their new homes.

Unfortunately, we cannot hold animals. We operate on a first come, first serve basis and plan meet and greets accordingly with approved applicants. If you are interested in a dog, fill out the application right away. If we are having an adoption event, we recommend arriving early.

We do not offer discounted adoption rates. We are a nonprofit organisation and our adoption fees go directly towards medical bills, training, food, and other costs to care for dogs in need. Each rescued dog costs an average of $500.

We receive a high number of emails daily and do our best to respond to them as quickly as we can. We will be in touch as soon as possible. Typically within 2 hours to 2 business days.

Unfortunately, many dogs that we save entered the shelter as strays or were surrendered by their owners with little or no information. We do our best to include any information about their history in their profile if it is known. Otherwise, we will always report information about their personalities and health and training based on how they’ve done in our program.

Within three days of adoption, we will email our welcome letter, paperwork, verification of contact information, etc. If for some reason you need the paperwork sooner, please email and we will do our best to accommodate.

There are different rules and requirements based on where you live. We do not and cannot keep up with all the rules and changes for all locations we adopt to. The best way to confirm is to contact your local animal services department.

We microchip all of our dogs. We will fill out the change of ownership form for you once we verify your information. The microchip company will send out a letter to your address but sometimes this letter can take a month or two to be sent. Don’t worry. All dogs are registered to us so if something happens before the change is made, the company will call us and we can contact you. Most of the time the microchips will be through the company AVID but sometimes other companies may be used.

Unfortunately we do not know right away. Dogs are not let out much at the shelter and we cannot always find out until after the dog is in a foster home or in an adopter’s home. There may also be some accidents when a dog goes to a new home. It may take a few days for your dog to get accustomed to your home and routine.

We are a non-profit organization so please consult your accountant regarding a potential tax deduction.


Yes, We provide delivery services all over the USA and Canada


Your dog will have up-to-date vaccinations that are appropriate for your dog’s age. Everything beyond that is the adopter’s responsibility.

Below is the vaccination schedule that we recommend:

  • Puppies:

    • Dogs 6-8 weeks: DHPP round 1
    • Dogs 10-12 weeks: DHPP round 2
    • Dogs 14-16 weeks: DHPP round 3
  • Annually for dogs of all ages:

    • DHPP (follow up every 3 years)
    • Bordetella (optional, but required for all boarding facilities)
    • Rabies (required)

Like humans dogs can get reactions to vaccinations as well, the most common being swelling. It is recommended to visit your vet if your dog experiences a reaction just to get it checked out, and remember the reaction for the next time your dog gets vaccinated.



We request a minimum two-week commitment from all fosters. However, sometimes there are specific needs for temporary fosters but as a standard we request two weeks to keep transitions to a minimum. We will communicate the timeline in all foster request emails. You will have ample opportunity to communicate your schedule with our Foster team, and we will place you with a dog that fits that schedule. Some dogs only need a temporary home for 3-5 days, while others might need 2-4 weeks. There are various reasons why one of our dogs will need a foster and those reasons oftentimes determine the length of stay. For example, if a dog has medical injury chances are they are going to need a longer-term foster home.

Yes, you can still foster with a resident dog as long as your dog is up to date on vaccines and is spayed/neutered. You won’t be able to meet your foster dog in advance but Wags & Walks will always make a conscious effort to match you with a foster that we feel both you and your dog could do well with. Our team will help you take all necessary steps to ensure you and the dogs stay safe and comfortable.


For the most part, yes! You are welcome to respond to a foster request with the pup(s) you are most interested in fostering. Our team will strategically match you with a foster dog based on your application. We take your preference for age/breed/size in consideration before matching you with a dog. Our ultimate goal is to find the best foster home for our dogs based on what we know about them and what we know about you via your application.

Absolutely! As long as you are committed to making sure your foster pup gets a substantial break throughout the work day to get some exercise and food/water. We are happy to work with fosters who have a variety of lifestyles and careers. We ask that dogs are not left in their crates for longer than 3-4 hours at a time without an exercise break. If you don’t have a long lunch break, we will ask that you arrange a friend or family member to help care for the dog while you’re at work.

Absolutely! We have plenty of fosters who live in apartments. We will do our best to match you with a pup that may do well in that type of environment. Please review your lease agreements prior to fostering your first foster dog to familiarize yourself with any pet policies and verify whether there are any breed restrictions

If you find that you cannot part with your foster dog and would like to adopt (we call that “foster failing”), please let our Foster team know ASAP. If there is already a meet-and-greet scheduled or in the works, we must honor that. If not, you can go through the normal adoption process of filling out the online application and speaking to our Adoption Team to make sure it is a perfect match for you and your foster pup. Once a dog is available for adoption we cannot hold them, even for foster parents.

Wags and Walks Nashville will provide you with the following supplies that can be shipped: Crate or kennel (for keeping dogs safe and out of trouble while you’re away and to help with house-training), dog bed, blankets, or towels for a comfortable place to sleep. Food and treats, bowls, collar and leash, chew toys, appropriate to the size and age of your dog or puppy. Please be sure you are always supervising your foster dog if they have access to a bone. We want to avoid choking hazards! Poop bags and potty training pads for young puppies

We can’t always predict what care a dog may need, but there are some things that most, if not all, of our pups receive while in foster care. This includes basic oral medications that they will receive at home, including dewormers, monthly preventatives, and antibiotics. Some pups may also require at least one vaccine while in foster care. In order for your foster dog to receive their vaccine, we will ask you to visit one of our vet partners. If your dog needs to visit the vet while in your care, we will do our best to work within your availability. If you cannot bring your foster dog to their vet visit, we can reach out to our volunteer drivers to see if they’re able to assist. All veterinary care must be approved by Wags & Walks staff. Unapproved veterinary appointments will not be paid for by Wags & Walks.