Happy Tails

Nothing makes us happier than hearing about how our former residents are doing in their new, forever homes! Enjoy these happy tails

Dog Farley


Farley is doing great. He is the perfect travel buddy for his new family. He loves spending time out on the boat.




It’s been exactly 1 month since I adopted Melody and I could not thank DAWS/Lorraine enough for giving me my best friend. Melody makes new friends everywhere we go, dogs and humans all the same. She’s instantly become a member of my family and loves trips to my mom’s house (‘grandmas house’ as she knows it) Every person we meet adores her and of course LOVES her big ears- (we have done the DNA test & we’re currently just waiting for the results!) She has the gentlest temperament, but give her a fenced-in open yard like the Rowayton Dog Park (our favorite spot) she takes off like lightning and can play for hours on end. Melody and my roommate’s cat, Dexter have warmed up to each other perfectly. She loves him, and always wants to play with him- but she will give him his space when she knows he’s not in the mood. We go on countless hikes and adventures (with a well-deserved cappuccino afterward!) I am SO thankful to have this wonderful, spunky little girl in my life. I cannot wait to see what adventures come next! (And we will be sure to periodically pop back in with updates.. especially when the DNA comes back) Thank you again DAWS! I whole heartedly believe she was the one who rescued me ❤

Lesia Jakowiw


Cat CharlizeAnnie 2


She moved right in, and you’d think she owned the house. She kept us up all night purring and wanting to be petted. She fell asleep on Anthony and is such a smuggler. She never stops purring! She now has the run of the whole house. What a love. We cannot thank you enough for being so wonderful and allowing us to have her.


Cat Chloe Zoey


These two sweet sisters acclimated to their new forever home immediately! They still like to stick close to each other but are having fun playing, snuggling, and enjoying their new surroundings on their own too. Their adopters couldn’t be happier or more pleased!


Cat Carter Bagsy


We brought Bagsy home about two weeks ago, and he is doing so well!  We decided to change his name to Bagheera (or Bagsy) because he looked so much like a little panther!  He is hilarious and a little bit of a spaz, but also so incredibly cuddly and sweet.  Already he’s sleeping every night curled up by my head and crawls right into my lap every time I walk into the room.  He is loving his new home and has done so well meeting everyone and adjusting to the bigger space.

Part of the reason my family decided to adopt a cat was because we lost our dad a year ago and we had heard that animals can bring a lot of healing.  That has been so true already with little Bagsy, and he has been such an answer to prayer.  He has already brought so much laughter into our house, and so many sweet cuddles.  We are all so in love, and so grateful for this new little life that’s joined our family.


Newsletter Precious Socks Sq


Precious and Socks have settled right in at home. They have made themselves all comfy and cozy on the bed. They are still deciding if they are going to be willing to share it…we’ll let you know.


Cat RomanLexi


I wanted to say thank you for your help throughout this entire adoption process. Roman, who we are calling Lexi, is a wonderful addition to our family. She was very quick to warm up to our home and me! She’s a great cuddler too! This appears to be a perfect match for both of us. I’m not the most artistic when it comes to taking photos but attached are a few pictures that I have taken of her tonight.


Puppy LuluJoJo 2


LuLu, now JoJO, is doing great.  Our family loves her dearly, and she loves us too. So far she’s learned to sit, and she’s still trying to learn other things too. She adores her sister kitty sister, Lila.